Rosa Menkman
Resolution Theorist
Panel: Unfolding Models
Rosa Menkman began her inquiry into the data structures that shape the sensory form of digital media by cracking open, modifying, and breaking image and video files. Deepening this inquiry into the physical and technical basis of perception and meaning, Menkman produces works of video and animation that both demonstrate the structure of data formats and narrativize their historical and lived repercussions. In the context of the “Unfolding Models” panel, Menkman’s work challenges us to look for the glitches at the edges of theory as they appear in the computational substrate of model making.
Biography: beyondresolution.info/ABOUT
Website: beyondresolution.info
Social: Instagram | Flickr | Twitter | YouTube
Symposium Schedule
Panel: Unfolding Models
Video Release: Friday, April 2, 2021 / 9:00am EST
Live Q&A: Monday, April 5, 2021 / 5:00–6:00pm EST
Related Works
Impossible Images
2019, CERN
A growing collection of impossible images illustrating the diverse array of limits on resolution, ‘impossibility,’ ‘image’ (which ranges from photograph to dataset), and imaging technology (from huge dipole magnet telescopes to detectors connected to the LHC).
An exploration of the Ecology of Compression Complexities, the project is a contemporary translation of the 1884 Edwin Abbott Abbott romance Flatland, and describes some of the algorithms at work in digital image compression.
A Vernacular of File Formats
2010 and 2017, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam
Menkman compresses a source image via different compression languages and subsequently implements the same (or a similar) error in each file, letting the otherwise invisible compression language present itself onto the surface of the image.