Lars Bang Larsen
Curator and Art Historian
Panel: Open Systems
Lars Bang Larsen has produced a body of curatorial, editorial, and archival endeavors at the intersection of politics and aesthetics. The broader arc of his work tracks art made in the context of subcultures at the limit of the modern, from 19th century spiritualism to ‘60s psychedelia. Bringing experimental, philosophical, and artistic perspectives on epistemology and subjectivity into dialogue with one another, Larsen has carefully composed a much needed critical and historical context for AI as a medium of artistic investigation into more-than-human intelligence and ecologies of play and learning. In dialogue with Jenna Sutela, Larsen brings this dialogic generosity to the “Open Systems” panel.
Symposium Schedule
Panel: Open Systems
Live Presentation & Q&A
Thursday, April 8, 2021 / 11:00am–12:00pm EST
Location: Livestream
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