Jason Edward Lewis
Professor of Computation Arts and University Research Chair in Computational Media and the Indigenous Future Imaginary, Concordia University
Panel: Open Systems
Jason Edward Lewis has supported several generations of Indigenous new media artists: from 1990s web-based works and game design workshops in the 2000s through to his most recent project, the “Indigenous Protocols for Artificial Intelligence” workshop. Lewis complements his new media creations and mentorship with theoretical reflections on the role of Indigenous philosophies in shaping AI through reflections on the concept of multispecies kin. “Open Systems” grounds its humanistic approach to ecology and AI in Lewis’ exemplary integration of thinking and making.
Biography: Concordia University
Website: jasonlewis.org
Social: Facebook | Twitter
Symposium Schedule
Panel: Open Systems
Live Presentation & Q&A
Thursday, April 8, 2021 / 5:00–7:00pm EST
Location: Livestream
Related Works
“Indigenous Protocol and Artificial Intelligence”
2020, Indigenous AI Working Group
The position paper on Indigenous Protocol and Artificial Intelligence (IP AI) is a starting place for those who want to design and create AI from an ethical position that centers Indigenous concerns.
“Making Kin with the Machines”
2018, Journal of Design Science
Essay Competition Winner that brings Indigenous epistemologies to bear on the “AI question,” and proposes an extended “circle of relationships” that includes the non-human kin—from network daemons to robot dogs to artificial intelligences (AI) weak and, eventually, strong—that increasingly populate our computational biosphere.
Skins Workshops
2016-current, Initiative for Indigenous Futures
The Skins Workshops teach Indigenous youth how to adapt stories from their community into experimental digital media, such as video games.